Life Brings Change is proud to work with The Verge as they embark upon their 2010 Biggest Loser Campaign. We kick off this Saturday, January 2, 2010 at 9am. This 5 month campaign ends May 22nd. I am especially happy to join this campaign to shed the 20 lbs I gained in 2009.

Join me on this journey and tune in to this blog daily for tips to keep you motivated, recipes, and updates on my healthy weight loss.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Have Fun Along the Way…Appreciate New Discoveries!!!

“A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.” -Anonymous

It doesn’t matter how carefully we plan and plot our course in life, choosing the best routes, we can still find ourselves going down roads we never expected to travel. Instead of railing against these unexpected trips, embrace these deviations as an important part of life’s journey. You’re bound to discover a landscape worth appreciating and have fun along the way.

*Be open to discovery. Who knows? A wrong turn may lead to a breathtaking view right outside your window. Every road has something to offer, but what you miss may not come around again.

*A detour, either on actual roads or in life itself, doesn’t have to mean a setback. Getting lost often teaches you more about life and your own grit than following your original path.

Having fun,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jump Right in with Determination and Energy!!!

“When we accept tough jobs as a challenge and wade into them with joy and enthusiasm, miracles happen.” -Arland Gilbert

When life asks us to plunge into new waters, we can either sit on the sidelines or jump in. Unless you’re naturally loaded with confidence, your first reaction will probably be to run for cover. But if you can get past the fear and dive in head first, you’re likely to be rewarded in ways you never dreamed.

*Ask yourself for a push if you need it. Just hearing someone say, “You can do it” or “I have faith in you” can inspire you to accept the challenge and jump off the diving board into the deep end.

*If diving in is too scary, dip your foot in the water first. Remember, that the first step is always the hardest, but if you start out with a joyful heart, you’ll surely make it the rest of the way.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Be Diligent…Put Forth Some Effort!!!

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -Thomas Alva Edison

When we think of successful people we most often think of images of wealthy people lounging by a poolside or sipping a cool drink on the beach. The truth is, most successful people got to where they are in life by working hard. They’ll be the first to tell you that when opportunity knocks, you’d better roll up your sleeves and prepare to get your hands dirty.

*Give yourself the great sense of accomplishment that hard work produces. Dedicate one whole day to a single project either at work or at home. At day’s end, sit back and admire all that you’ve done.

*Learn the “success story” of someone you know. It may inspire you to not let opportunities go by the wayside.

Working hard,