Life Brings Change is proud to work with The Verge as they embark upon their 2010 Biggest Loser Campaign. We kick off this Saturday, January 2, 2010 at 9am. This 5 month campaign ends May 22nd. I am especially happy to join this campaign to shed the 20 lbs I gained in 2009.

Join me on this journey and tune in to this blog daily for tips to keep you motivated, recipes, and updates on my healthy weight loss.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


…a wise man keeps himself under control. ~Proverbs 29:11

If there’s one thing I’ve learned on my journey of Salvation, it’s control. I’ve learned that there are some things in life we have control over, however, MOST things we don’t.

As we journey together on this healthy weight loss campaign, I’d like to focus on the control we have over food. We are in complete control of what goes in our mouths. We have complete control of our health and nutrition. The best thing about this control is that or Father left us a guide to healthy eating. He outlines, for us, the things that we should and should not eat. The book of Leviticus clearly details foods that are considered clean and unclean. This was written thousands of years ago and it still holds true today.

Be wise in the decisions you make about what you put into your bodies. It may be difficult at times, but remember, we should present our bodies as living sacrifices. Choose health. Choose life over death. Choose a life that will enable you to get more involved in ministry, a life that will yield more quality time with family, a life that will allow the Light of Jesus Christ to shine through and draws others closer to Him.

In control,
~Sonja A. Brown

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Much too young

I’m heavy hearted as I share with you today. I’m dreading a trip to the hospital. My cousin, only a few years older than me, was admitted over a week ago. She’s diabetic and went to the doctor for a bruise on her foot and a sore under her breast. While at the hospital she began to have chest pains and, as a result, was moved to the 4th floor for cardiac patients. After a few days of monitoring and tests, doctors have discovered that she has an artery that’s about 80% blocked and had 2 previous heart attacks. They also believe the chest pains a few days ago were a 3rd heart attack.

I’m 37 years old. My cousin may be around 40. In my opinion, she’s much too young to have these issues. I share this story with you to help you understand the seriousness of getting your health in order. It is said that women have different symptoms of heart disease and heart attacks than men. Ladies, I implore … PLEASE take care of yourselves. Know your body so that when something seems abnormal you can readily identify it and go see your doctor.

I’ve said it before … We only get ONE body. Our Daddy in heaven has blessed us and given us these temples. It’s up to us to take care of them and make sure we are doing the right things. We must be good stewards of these temples. Getting healthy will give us the energy and stamina to get more involved in ministry and the lives of our children. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t be able to take care of others.

Heavy hearted,
~Sonja A. Brown

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can someone turn the heat on?

OMG! It’s cold out there. As you make your way through the day and heading into the weekend, remember to stay focused and eat healthy. If you’re like me, it’s harder to think healthy when it’s cold outside. In this weather, foods I like to eat are soups and pastas. They are filling to me, and most of all, they are hot! I usually opt for a vegetarian soup of some kind, such as minestrone. When it comes to pasta, try your spinach, whole wheat or whole grain pastas with a marinara sauce.

It’s equally important to drink plenty of water when the temperatures drop like they have. These frigid temps and winds can wreak havoc on us. Water will help your skin, scalp, and nails stay moisturized. If you drink coffee and hot tea, look for decaf.

***Due to the possibility of more precipitation, tonight’s workout at The Verge has been cancelled. Don’t let that stop you from working out. Jump online and look for some exercises you can do at home. We’ll meet up at The Verge on the 14th at 5:30pm to get our workouts going.

Trying to stay warm,
~Sonja A. Brown

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

In the words of Ice Cube...

…Today was a good day.

First off, school resumed for my 5 yr old son. I’ve never been so happy to rise at 6am to get him ready for school. I think we may have left out about 7 minutes earlier than normal. LOL! Then, it was back home to do a little cleaning and organizing in the office before running a few errands. Later on I went to my mom’s house and relaxed there for a few hours.

While I’m up later than I’d like to be, I have about an hours worth of work that needs to be done before I can call it day. I’m breaking one of the Seven Simple Standards to Healthy Weight Loss…and that is getting adequate rest. Remember, we need about 8 hours of sleep, nightly, to aid in healthy weight loss. So, I guess I’d better make this a quick blog and get back to some other work.

Don’t forget about the 5:30pm workout at The Verge tomorrow. See you there!

Enjoying the day,
~Sonja A. Brown

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Get organized...

Remember me sharing with you that I was/am an emotional eater? Well, a few minutes ago I got hit with some devastating news. The first thing I did was run to the refrigerator looking for something to nibble on. I quickly reminded myself that I wasn’t hungry, because I’d eaten less than an hour ago…

Get this … instead of eating, I decided to clean out and organize the refrigerator. Doing this will help take my mind off the news I just received, tackle a task I’ve been putting off, and get a little exercise in the process. All that bending, stooping, and lifting will help burn a few calories.

We make choices all day, everyday. Make the right decisions. Choose health! Choose LIFE!

Getting organized,
~Sonja A. Brown

Victory is near...

“The first and the best victory is to conquer self.” ~Plato

The quote above couldn’t be more true and more fitting for me. I sometimes get in the way of myself. More importantly, I sometimes get in the way of God and what He’s doing for me. I tend to think I’m doomed before I begin a task.

As you journey these next five months, I want you to remember to get out of your way. Remember to think positively and allow God to work. Allow Him to be Himself. He wrote the ultimate guide for us to follow, so I’m sure He knows what He’s doing.

Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t feel defeated before you really begin the journey. STAY FOCUSED and LOCKED IN! We’ll cross the finish line together

Focused and locked,
~Sonja A. Brown

Monday, January 4, 2010

Last night was tough...

Good morning!

I must tell you that last night was a struggle for me. I got hungry and went to kitchen to grab something to eat. I looked at the clocked and realized that it was too late to eat anything. My goal is to not eat anything after 7pm. I’ve set this goal because I’m less active in the evenings and I won’t burn the calories I’ve consumed before going to sleep.

Now if you’re anything like me, you can’t sleep when you’re hungry. So, I drank a tall glass of water and went to bed. That glass of water satisfied me and I was able to go to sleep. In some instances, when we think we’re hungry, we’re actually thirsty.

“Sip your water slowly and give your brain time to register the fact that you have just been hydrated. If your craving has dissipated after a finishing your glass of water, then you will know that you were experiencing “true hunger” *

I’d like to hear of any other suggestions on satisfying hunger pains without eating late at night. Please feel free to post your comments.

*excerpt from 21 To Life: A Guide to Healthy Weight Loss
To purchase your copy of the book, please visit

~Sonja A. Brown

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Don't look back...

"Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time." ~Mark Twain

I’d like to share a few words my best friend shared with me a couple of weeks ago…

“A track star never looks back. Even the best hurdle runner may hit a few or knock some down, but NEVER looks back.”

No matter what challenges you face on this biggest loser campaign, don’t look back. If you fall down, get up, dust yourself off, start running again and DON’T LOOK BACK. Keep your eyes on the prize…keep your gazed locked in and focused on the finish line. And remember…to get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.

Breaking habits can be a very difficult thing. Just remember, once it’s broken, you are freed of that vice. If food seems to be your weakness, find strength in know that you are adopting and adapting to a new, healthier lifestyle; a lifestyle that will reap many rewards.

Locked in and focused,
~Sonja A. Brown

Saturday, January 2, 2010

This is it!

"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can." ~Author Unknown

Today is the day. We kick off The Verge’s 2010 Biggest Loser Campaign. I’m so excited to be a part of this healthy lifestyle endeavor. This will be so rewarding. Big things will come out this. There will be times that you may get discouraged. Hang in there. Don't give up. If you stumble, get up and keep going.

As we embark on this 5 month journey, think N.E.W.…Nutrition, Exercise, Water.

• Find out how many calories you need to consume each day in order to reach you weight loss goal. Try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
• Get more active. Begin with 30 minutes of increased activity per day.
• Drink plenty of water. You should drink ½ your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs, you should be drinking a minimum of 75 ounces of water, per day.

Remember stay locked in and focused by spending quality time with God EVERY DAY! Talk with Him. Share with Him. Then, and perhaps most important, get quiet and allow Him to speak with you. Listen to what He has to tell you.

Kicking off,
~Sonja A. Brown

Friday, January 1, 2010

Start the year with healthy decisions…

"If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end." ~Julius Erving

Today is January 1st...the first day of 2010. Make a decision to do what's right for you and your body. Your body is a temple. Treat it as such. Make healthy eating decisions, get more active and drink plenty of water. Your body will thank you. Remember, we only get one body; so take care of it.

Living life to its fullest,
~Sonja A. Brown